(520) 836-8630 umccg2018@gmail.com

Community Resources

Community Resources are agencies that provide aid

and services to individuals or families in

local communities.

This is not all of the services within Casa Grande / Pinal County.  It is a start for you.

To expand the Accordion Menu, click the (+) symbol; to collapse it, click the (-) symbol.

Laundry Love will help out to get laundry Cleaned

The Laundry Love initiative is for folks who could use a little extra help with their laundry. It partners with local churches and a laundromat to wash the clothes and linens of low-income or no-income families and individuals.

Laundry Love Vouchers that cover laundry expenses (quarters and detergent), snacks, water, and even needed clothing and hygiene products.

You can grab these vouchers at various locations:

St. Vincent de Paul Office

Seeds of Hope;
702 E Cottonwood Ln, Casa Grande, AZ 85122

350 E 6th St Casa Grande, AZ 85122-4195

HOHP Veteran Center 
100 E. Florence Blvd. Casa Grande, AZ PH: (520) 338-2568

The Area schools

Second and Forth Wednesday of Each Month, Time:  3:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Quick Clean Laundromat, 950 E Florence Blvd, Casa Grande, AZ 85122

Community Services

CGHelps Resource Center

350 E. 6th StCasa Grande, AZ 85122

Phone:  520-483-0010

View resources available in Casa Grande for homeless or near homeless individuals & families.

Social Security

1637 E Monument Plaza Circle
Casa Grande AZ 85122
1 (877) 405-0403

City Of Casa Grande

The City of Casa Grande lists resources on web page.


Community Resources are agencies that provide aid and services to individuals or families in local communities.

Dial 2-1-1 for Assistance

2-1-1 Arizona 2-1-1 or 877-211-8661

Veterans that are Homeless - Call

1 (877) 424-3838 anytime (24/7) or 1 (520) 792-1450 Ext 1831 anytime (24/7)

If you are homeless and have ever served in the US Military, Please Call

Legal Assistance

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc

1729 N Trekell Road, Ste #101
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
(520) 316-8076
Civil legal aid to low-income individuals, families.

Housing / Rentals / Utilities

Pinal Public Housing & Section 8 Housing Vouchers

Pinal Public Housing & Section 8 Housing Vouchers
970 N 11 Mile Corner Rd, CG

Apply online at:

Department of Economic Security

DES provides renters and home-owners with financial relief for housing and utility expenses.

Apply online at des.az.gov/ERAP or Call (800-912-0878

Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA)

Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA)
109 N Sunshine Blvd

Eloy, AZ
(520) 466-1112



Hot Lunches by Seeds of Hope

Hot Lunches by Seeds of Hope
Located at Fountains of Living Water (518 E. Second St.)

Free hot lunch is served Monday – Saturday10:30 am 12:00 pm

Emergency Food boxes are also distributed to families in need during the lunch hour

No income verification or proof of address is ever needed

Senior Meals Program and Transportation


Caring Hands of Pinal County

Saturday, 7 AM to 9 AM
Sunday, 4 PM to 5:30 PM

(Back side of St. Anthony’s Office)
First Avenue & Florence Street



Food Boxes

Casa Grande Food Box

Casa Grande Food Bank
(520) 836-0736

Food Boxes - Food Pantry by Caring Hands of Pinal County

Food Bank
110 W Main St (2nd / 4th St)

4th Tuesday of the Month


St. Vincent de Paul Casa Grande

405 E 2nd Street

Food boxes are available Monday thru Friday 9 – 12:30PM. The client is eligible to receive on every 30 days. Delivery of food boxes in certain situations may be available (call the office for details). Senior delivery is scheduled for one per month.

HOHP Veteran Center - Food Boxes for Veterans

Food Boxes for Veterans

E Florence Blvd
Casa Grande AZ 85122

(520) 338-2568 | Hohp4heroes@gmail.com

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Thurs /Fri Closed Weds

Food Box: 1 X mo depending on situation


Against Abuse Crisis Center

(520) 836-0858

Provide services to women, women with children and males, victims of domestic violence/ sexual assault.

United Way of Pinal County

(520) 836-0736

Children Support


1115 E Florence Blvd Ste M
Mon – Fri, 8 AM to 4 PM
(520) 518-5292

Note: Doors are ALWAYS Locked, Call First

Baby Clothes and Diapers

Trinity Southern Baptist Church
(520) 836-2383 Call in Advance


HOHP Veteran's Center (Eagles Landing)

100 E. Florence Blvd.
Casa Grande, AZ
(520) 338-2568



9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Thurs /Fri Closed Weds

HOHP is dedicated to assisting Veterans and Military Families in Pinal County by providing services or connecting them to providers that will assist with life’s challenges. Services are provided at “Eagles Landing” Veteran Center and the “Eagle One” Mobile Veteran Outreach Center.

Veterans: NCHP Housing for Heroes - Pinal County

501 N Florence St, Casa Grande, AZ 85122
(520) 876-0699


Our Pinal County staff, which includes several Veterans, is dedicated to finding Veterans and their families the assistance they need to get and maintain stable housing.