About Us
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by increasing the time we give to God in service to others.
United Methodist Church of Casa Grande

Vision and core Values
- Our vision is to impact and renew Casa Grande and beyond with the transforming message of Jesus Christ through both words and actions.
Core Values
The United Methodist Church of Casa Grande holds certain core values that guide its beliefs and practices:
Real Grace and Real Love: UMCCG aims to be a church home where real grace and real love intersect with the challenges of real life. We emphasize authentic relationships and compassion.
Welcoming Environment: UMCCG strives to create a place where everyone feels at home. Through close relationships, the study of scripture, education, and caring for others, we foster an inclusive and inviting atmosphere.
Connecting People to God: Our goal is to connect individuals to God in a real and meaningful way. Whether through worship, Bible study, or service, UMCCG seeks to deepen spiritual connections.
Community and Outreach: UMCCG actively engages in outreach and caring for others. They believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus, making a positive impact in the community.
Accessible Worship and Learning: Recognizing busy lives, UMCCG offers various opportunities for worship, learning, and service. We aim to be accessible whenever and wherever people need them.
Grace is the gentle touch of God’s presence in our lives, a divine connection that can sometimes slip our awareness. But with intention, through prayer and silence, we can cultivate a deepened sense of God’s grace around us. Through this awareness, we find the strength to navigate life’s challenges and embrace the love and purpose God has for us.
In John 13:35, Jesus tells us how important love is – “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” Love is God’s grace lived out. Reading the Bible helps us know who God is and what God does so that we might live lives of love like Jesus.
Life is the gift of a relationship with God and one another. Our days’ small moments are strung together to make up our lives. Being ever grateful for our lives and others’ lives as gifts awakens us to the image of God firmly placed within each of us so that we might grow into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Day by day. As all of life’s moments unfold.
Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Methodist Church
The Methodist Episcopal Church S. in Casa Grande has a rich history that dates back to its organization in 1923.
Reverend T. F. Hughes served as the first pastor from 1923 to 1925. The church parsonage was situated on the Northwest corner of the intersection of Marshall St. and 3rd St., while the sanctuary stood just North of the parsonage.

From 1943 to 1960, there was no formally organized Methodist Church in Casa Grande, Arizona. Families in the area had two options: they could either join other churches or merge with the Eloy or Coolidge Methodist Church.
In 1960, during the Annual Conference, Rev. J. Lloyd Ewart assumed the role of full-time pastor. The church made a significant decision by acquiring a parsonage on East 12th Street, where the Ewart family settled in July. Rev. Ewart’s dedication to his pastoral duties and service to the community left a lasting impact.
Finally, in 1968, these two strands of Christianity came together to create The United Methodist Church. This denomination’s rich history dates to the revival movement led by John Wesley in England and the Great Awakening in the United States. The merger was a significant moment, uniting Methodists and United Brethren believers under a common banner.
The Cross and Flame emblem
Serving your church connects you with fellow believers and is a great way to meet people you may otherwise never meet during or after the service. United Methodist Church of Casa Grande has many first-hand accounts of people becoming lifelong friends because of service opportunities that they both participated in. You never know who you’ll meet when you choose to serve!
In March 1985, the congregation joyously celebrated the Silver Anniversary of the founding of the Methodist Church in Casa Grande.
Methodists Gets rebranded
In 1968, after years of discussion, all the Methodist Churches in the United States and the Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB) combined their congregations to form one church denomination, the United Methodist Church, including the Methodist church in Casa Grande.
With the combined congregations, the Cross and Flame came into being. The larger (upper) part of the flame signified the Methodist organization, with the smaller (lower) part of the flame signified the EUB organization. April 2, 1978, Bishop Charles F. Golden led the worship service to lead in the dedication of the Church Buildings and the burning of the mortgage. A luncheon was held in the Fireside Room following the service. June 22, 1980, The Fireside room was rededicated after being renovated. As early as 1984, Members asked, “Do we want to build a new sanctuary or enlarge the present sanctuary?” Sixteen years later, that question was answered, and the new sanctuary was being built.

With negotiations over and money transferred, the only delay now was to allow Trinity Lutheran time to remodel the education wing. The Lutherans ran a school, and the education wing did not meet current State requirements. On 6/21/2021, an open house was built to allow United Methodists to look over the Trinity property and the Trinity Lutherans to examine the Methodist buildings. Later, both Methodist and Lutheran pastors met in a vacant lot between the two churches to signify the exchange of property. The sale went through, which satisfied the mortgage on the Trekell Road campus and allowed the Casa Grande United Methodist Church to proceed into the future.
The United Methodist Church of Casa Grande opened its doors for the first time on September 18, 2022.